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Microbilogy Subject Support Services
This research guide provides information for finding scholarly sources in microbiology. Use the tabs on the left to get started.
Books in Microbiology Subject Areas

The microbiology books have been classified in the following Dewey Class Numbers. Since, Microbiology is a subject having its root biology, so most of the books can also be found in biology, biotechnology subjects as well under the class numbers

570 Life sciences; biology
571 Physiology & related subjects
572 Biochemistry
573 Specific physiological systems in animals
575 Specific parts of & systems in plants
576 Genetics & evolution
577 Ecology
578 Natural history of organisms
579 Microbiology, Microorganisms, fungi & algae

To search and find the details of books, please visit our librayr catalogue page at

Inter Library Loan
If any book not available in the Central Library Catalogue, We will make efforts to take on Inter Library Loan through DELNET.

Contact us for more details.
Bibliographic Databases