About this Guide
This guide provides resources that may be useful to students enrolled in undergraduate and post graduate program in Geology at Sikkim University, or any student interested in resources related to geology. The tabs above will guide you to different types of resources.Library Catalogue Search Strategies
Search the Library Catalog for books and other materials. Some helpful search terms for Geology are:
- Plate Tectonics
- Minerals
- Oceanography
- Volcanoes
- Fossils
- Structural Geology
- Petroleum Geology
- Natural Hazards
- Earthquakes
- Paleontology
- Petrology

If you would like to browse the bookshelves, most Geology related materials are stacked at following Dewey Classification Number
550 Earth sciences
551 Geology, hydrology & meteorology
552 Petrology
553 Economic geology
554 Earth sciences of Europe
555 Earth sciences of Asia
556 Earth sciences of Africa
557 Earth sciences of North America
558 Earth sciences of South America
559 Earth sciences of other areas
560 Paleontology; paleozoology
561 Paleobotany; fossil microorganisms
562 Fossil invertebrates
563 Fossil marine & seashore invertebrates
564 Fossil mollusks & molluscoids
565 Fossil arthropods
566 Fossil chordates
567 Fossil cold-blooded vertebrates; fossil fishes
568 Fossil birds
569 Fossil mammals
- Web of Science
Web of Science (previously known as Web of Knowledge) is a website that provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines. The Central Library have access to Web of Science and can be accessed directly by visiting URL: https://apps.webofknowledge.com/
Note: Use Web of Science LibGuide Support Page for Further Assistance.
Essential scholarly journals in many academic fields, especially arts, literature, humanities, and biology. Includes 19th-Century British Pamphlets. Some back to late 1800s. Central Library have subscription to JSTOR and can be accessed on IP ranges of the University.
Note: Learn More About JSTOR : https://www.jstor.org/
- A Key for Identification of Rock- Forming Minerals in Thin Section
- Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry of Light Gas-Forming Elements
- Calcium and Magnesium in Groundwater: Occurrence and Significance for Human Health
- Planetary Geodesy and Remote Sensing
- Geothermal Systems and Energy Resources: Turkey and Greece
- Remote Sensing for Geoscientists: Image Analysis and Integration, Third Edition
- Groundwater around the World: A Geographic Synopsis Assessing and Managing
- Groundwater in Different Environments
- Rock Engineering Design: Properties and Applications of Sound Level
- Landscape Evolution, Neotectonics and Quaternary Environmental Change in Southern Cameroon: Palaeoecology of Africa Vol. 31, An International Yearbook of Landscape Evolution and Palaeoenvironments
- Rare Earth Elements in Ultramafic and Mafic Rocks and their Minerals: Minor and Accessory Minerals
- Practical Engineering Geology Limnology
- Groundwater Modeling and Management under Uncertainty: Proceedings of the Sixth IAHR International Groundwater Symposium, Kuwait, 19 - 21 November, 2012
- "Geochemical Modeling of Groundwater, Vadose and Geothermal Systems"
- Rare Earth Elements in Ultramafic and Mafic Rocks and their Minerals: Main types of rocks. Rock-forming minerals
- "African Palaeoenvironments and Geomorphic Landscape Evolution: Palaeoecology of Africa Vol. 30, An International Yearbook of Landscape Evolution and Palaeoenvironments"
- "Rock Failure Mechanisms: Illustrated and Explained"
- "Recent Advances in Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Processing for Land Degradation Assessment"
- Remote Sensing of Glaciers: Techniques for Topographic, Spatial and Thematic
- Mapping of Glaciers Advances in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
- Sciences: 2008 ISPRS Congress Book "Landslides and Engineered Slopes. From the Past to the Future, Two Volumes + CD-ROM: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, 30 June - 4 July 2008, Xi'an, China"
- "Petroleum Geochemistry and Exploration in the Afro-Asian Region: Proceedings of the 6th AAAPG International Conference, Beijing, China, 12-14 October 2004"
- "Landslides and Climate Change: Challenges and Solutions: Proceedings of the International Conference on Landslides and Climate Change, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, UK, 21–24 May 2007"
- Rock Mechanics: Meeting Society's Challenges and Demands, Two Volume Set: Proceedings of the 1st Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 27–31 May 2007
- "Volcanic Rocks: Proceedings of ISRM Workshop W2, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, 14-15 July, 2007"
- Experimental Rock Mechanics
- Design Analysis in Rock Mechanics
- "Geotechnical and Environmental Aspects of Waste Disposal Sites: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Geotechnics Related to the Environment - GREEN 4, Wolverhampton, UK, 28 June-1 July 2004"
- The Indian Ocean Tsunami
- "Landforms and Geology of Granite Terrains"
- "Sedimentary Rocks in the Field: A Colour Guide"
- Landslide Risk Management
- "Geological Hazards: Their Assessment, Avoidance and Mitigation"
- Fractal Models in Exploration Geophysics
- "Practical Chemical Thermodynamics for Geoscientists"
- Encyclopedia of Caves
- "Regional Geology and Tectonics: Principles of Geologic Analysis"
- "Basin Evolution and Petroleum Prospectivity of the Continental Margins of India"
- The Geologic Time Scale 2012
- Handbook of Clay Science
- Paleoclimatology
- Introduction to Mineralogy and Petrology
- Mineral Exploration
- "Hydro-Meteorological Hazards Risks and Disasters"
- Hazards, Risks and, Disasters in Society
- "Coastal and Marine Hazards Risks and Disasters"
- Structural Geology
- Geophysical Exploration Technology
- "Assessment of Vulnerability to Natural Hazards"
- Practical and Applied Hydrogeology
- Coal Bed Methane
- Geomorphological Fieldwork
- "Biological and Environmental Hazards, Risks, and Disasters"
- Chemostratigraphy
- Atlas of Structural Geology
- Earth as an Evolving Planetary System
- Cretaceous Sea Level Rise
- Marine Paleobiodiversity
- The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope
- Wetlands for Water Pollution Control
- "Stream Ecosystems in a Changing Environment"
- Disasters and Public Health
- "Geological Controls for Gas Hydrates and Unconventionals"
- Geology of the Himalayan Belt
- Isotope Geochemistry
- Sediment Provenance
- "Essentials of Mineral Exploration and Evaluation"
- "Cenozoic Foraminifera and Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy of the Niger Delta"
- A Concise Geologic Time Scale
- Disaster Prevention Policies
- Proterozoic Orogens of India
- Introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing
- "Map Interpretation for Structural Geologists"
- Origins of the Earth, Moon, and Life
- Neotectonism in the Indian Subcontinent
- Volcanic and Igneous Plumbing Systems
- "Structure and Tectonics of the Indian Continental Crust and Its Adjoining Region"
- Indian Shield
- "Problems and Solutions in Structural Geology and Tectonics"
- Understanding Faults
- Fundamentals of Soil Ecology
- "Remote Sensing of Aerosols, Clouds, and Precipitation"
- Environmental Management
- "Environmental Geochemistry: Site Characterization, Data Analysis and Case Histories"
- Ecological Modeling
- A monograph of the Mollusca from the Great Oolite chiefly from Minchinampton and the coast of Yorkshire
- Biogeochemistry: an analysis of global change
- Biotic response to global change: the last 145 million years
- Engineering Hydrology
- Geoinformatics in applied geomorphology
- Glacial geology: ice sheets and landforms
- Glacier science and environmental change
- Glaciers & Glaciation
- Himalayan Glaciers: Climate Change Water Resource and Water Security
- Hydrology, flood control & ground water engineering
- Hydrology: principle, analysis, design
- Irrigation engineering and hydraulic structures
- Modern analytical geochemistry: an introduction to quantitative chemical analysis techniques for earth environmental and materials scientists
- Multitemporal remote sensing: methods and applications
- Remote sensing of snow and ice
- Sewage waste disposal and air pollution engineering
- Soil mechanics and foundation engineering: geotechnical engineering in SI units
- Soil mechanics and foundations
- Tectonic uplift and climate change
- The fossil flora of Great Britain: or, figures and descriptions of the vegetable remains found in a fossil state in this country
- The making of India: geodynamic evolution