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i-Scholar - Journal of Management Research

IDEAS is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available freely on the Internet. Based on RePEc, it indexes over 3,600,000 items of research, including over 3,200,000 that can be downloaded in full text.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Note: ​IEEE Xplore Digital Library is not Subscribed by Library. However, it has rich source of information for Computer Science and other Engineering Disciplnes. 
IEEE Xplore provides Web access to more than 3-million full-text documents from some of the world's most highly cited publications in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. Browse IEEE Journals at
Note: The Access is Available through ID and Password. Please Contact Library to get the login Credentials is a cluster of 51 sites including India-specific, Sector specific and State specific sites rendering its dedicated services to the research fraternity from academic, professional and corporate world with authentic and comprehensive compilation of secondary level socio-economic statistical data about India and its states on more than 35 variables. 
Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID)
The Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID) is online Databases are now being widely available to the public. People from all sectors and of all parts of the country and aboard will have easy access to knowledge in field of their interest to their needs. ISID On-line Index to Indian Social Science Journals offers a unique facility to retrieve the desired information through keyword search to the users. The coverage has since been improved by not only keeping the index updated, but also by adding a number of new social science journals. Presently, the On-Line Database Index covers 252 Indian social science journals covering the disciplines of economics, political science, public administration, sociology, social anthropology, business management, finance, geography, social work, health and education, etc.
International Journal of Psychology
Note: Impact Factor (2019):1.255
The International Journal of Psychology (IJP) advances psychological research of interest and relevance for the human condition around the world and serves as the outlet for internationally relevant basic and applied research in scientific psychology.
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